Hosted vs Self-Hosting Platforms
Pros and Cons with Hosted Platforms
Switching from a hosted platform to self-hosting is a common choice for many developers. However, making this switch requires careful consideration of the pros and cons of each platform as well as expertise level. We will explore the differences between Vercel and AWS, two popular platforms for hosting applications.
Vercel is the perfect option as a hosted platform for Next.JS applications since they abstract away many of the technical know-hows that would be required when self-hosting and they setup and maintain all of the small details for you
It will only take a few minutes and clicks to deploy your application from GitHub onto the web and start generating revenue. For start-ups and small projects, getting your app deployed with as little speed bumps as possible is very important and companies like Vercel will take care of this.
In short, time is vastly saved and technical know-how is at an absolute minimum.
Nevertheless, compared to a self-hosting platform like AWS, the pricing can be expensive: if your application will be generating revenue, you must must sign up for their pro plan which charges $20/month for each developer working on the project repo, e.g. if you and another person are maintaining a project hosted on Vercel, the monthly bill would be $40.
Moreover, should your application exceed the limits of its usage, you will be charged even more than expected.
Finally, even if you only get 10 visits to your application a month, that $40 charge will still occur despite the low usage.
Pros and Cons with Self-Hosting Platforms
People who have the knowledge to be able to deploy and maintain projects on AWS is a highly coveted skill that is well compensated. As a company expands, they will want to minimize their hosting costs by having someone dedicated to juggling all of the AWS balls.
Example: Mailchimp charges you $13/month for sending out 5,000 emails/month. If you set this up with AWS, you'll be charged 50 cents for the same volume per month.
Hosted platforms like Vercel and Netlify use AWS and then charge 400% of their initial costs to make the deployment easy for their customers. Therefore, you can cut out the middleman and just do it yourself by learning the required skills.
Lastly, it forces you to keep your code architecture clean, decoupled, and well organized.
First, you will need to setup your API, presumably built with Express, and configure it to make it work with AWS Lambda which can take hours, if not days for an absolute beginner, to figure out.
Second, you will also need to know the ins-and-outs of AWS Amplify to connect the frontend of your application to the backend on AWS Lambda.
Third, you will need to use AWS Certificate Manager to get the https:// for your application and then link your certificate to Google Domains.
Lastly, there are still a lot of hoops you will need to jump through to get a simple 2 page app working.
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